Closure of Edinburgh Chinese School

Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,

RE: Closure of Edinburgh Chinese School

We are writing to inform you of a decision that was not made lightly but is necessary to communicate. Due to financial challenges and low enrolment, we regret to inform you that Edinburgh Chinese School will be closing its doors permanently effective on 1st July 2024.

This decision has been incredibly difficult for us, as we understand the impact it will have on our students, alumni, and their families. We are deeply saddened to have to say goodbye to a community that has become like family over the last 50 years in Edinburgh.

Since 1971, Edinburgh Chinese School has been dedicated to providing high-quality Chinese language education and Chinese cultural activities to our students and the community, and it has been a privilege to be a part of their language learning journey. However, despite our best efforts, we have encountered different challenges after pandemic that have made it increasingly difficult to sustain the operations of the school.

Once again, we extend our sincerest gratitude to you for your support of Edinburgh Chinese School. It has been an honour serving you and your children, and we will cherish the memories we have created together.


Edinburgh Chinese School



因應近年資金及收生不足等因素影響,經學校董事會慎重考慮下,我們很遺憾地宣佈,愛丁堡中文學校將於 2024年7月1日 起永久停辦。


自1971年成立以來,愛丁堡中文學校一直致力為我們的學生提供優質的中文語言教育,及為社區舉辦各類中華文化活動 。能成為一眾學生語言學習旅程及成長的一部分,是我們的榮幸。然而,儘管我們盡了最大的努力,但疫情後迎來各種的困難,令我們難以繼續維持學校的運作。






这个决定对我们来说非常艰难,因为我们明白到,这将会令我们的学生、旧生及其家人造成影响。 对于要告别过去50年来,在爱丁堡像家人般的社区,我们深感无奈和惋惜。

自1971年成立以来,爱丁堡中文学校一直致力为我们的学生提供优质的中文语言教育,及为社区举办各类中华文化活动 。 能成为一众学生语言学习旅程及成长的一部分,是我们的荣幸。 然而,尽管我们尽了最大的努力,但疫情后迎来各种的困难,令我们难以继续维持学校的运作。





Cantonese/Mandarin Classes

本校已接受報名, 登記表格可於本網站”Enrolment招生”下載或聯絡本校索取

電郵: [email protected]或 致電 : 07862803623

開學日期 : 916


地點:Leith Academy, Edinburgh, EH6 8JQ





上課時間:上午1130 至下午1230 (每堂一小時)

費用:£96 (第一學期, 12 堂)


Enrolment starts now. Enrolment form can be downloaded from “Enrolment 招生”or requested by contacting the school.

Email: [email protected] or Phone: 07862803623

Term starts on 16th September

School Hours: 10 – 11.30am (Saturdays)

Venue: Leith Academy, Edinburgh, EH6 8JQ

Interest Class

Multiple Intelligences Activities

Classes are conducted in Cantonese, supplemented by English, through group games, logical reasoning games, board games, thinking and analysis activities, group discussions, etc. to develop children’s language intelligence and improve their communication skills in understanding, expression and organisation; the course content includes cognitive element.

Suitable for Children aged 5-8

Class time: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (one hour per class)

Fee: £96 (Term 1 / 12 lessons)

To register, please pay by bank transfer and state “INTEREST/CHILD’S NAME”

Seeing the World through the Five Elements of Nature 透过自然中五种元素认识世界

Organised collaboratively by the University of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh Chinese School, the Happy STEAM 2023 Summer Camp offers a sustainability-themed programme:           

Innovations that made us: Seeing the World through the Five Elements of Nature

This 5-day programme runs between 10th July and 14th July, and is designed for children between age 6 and 12. 

Children will learn Mandarin and explore human and nature relationship through indoor and outdoor activities. Each day will be themed around a different topic in Nature and human innovation. They will visit museums and galleries in Edinburgh (e.g. National Museum of Scotland, Modern Art Gallery, Writer’s Museum). They will get hands-on and crafty, as they learn about history, architecture and transportation. 

Details: Activities runs between 10am with drop off starts from 9am. Pick up is between 4.30pm-5.30pm. £55 per child, for five days. Each child should bring their own lunch and snacks.

Classroom activities will take place at the Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh (EH8 8AQ). 
Click this link to register 
Please email  [email protected] for any questions. 

爱丁堡大学与爱丁堡中文学校合作开发,Happy STEAM 2023 夏令营专为6-12岁儿童设计了关于‘环境与可持续发展’的主题活动 – 人类发明:透过自然中五种元素认识世界


费用:每人£55 (不含餐食,午餐及零食请自带)



如有任何疑问,请发邮件至[email protected] 

Free workshops (calligraphy, painting, origami, Kung fu etc)

We are holding a Fun Day on
17th June (Saturday )
12.30 -2.30pm
at Norton Park Conference Hall, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY.

Free workshops (calligraphy, painting, origami, Kung fu etc) run from 12.30 -2.30pm.

Please bring cash for snacks. Just drop in and join us.

本校於6月17日(星期六)在Norton Park Conference Hall 舉辦同樂日。



Final session – 25 February (Sat)

[⚠Last Chance to learn Cantonese for FREE!] Edinburgh Chinese School is organising the final session of Cantonese Learning Activity for Edinburgh Locals, well-supported by Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact: Coorie in for Winter Fund on February 25th (Sat). 

Last month, we were excited to get to see some new faces from nearby neighbourhoods and introduce different eras of Cantonese music (also enjoy the songs along the way!). Again, the coming session will include a secret theme where participants can have a chance to explore Hong Kong culture, learn basic Cantonese with our language exchange peers and make new friends at the same time! 

Event Details:

📅25 February (Sat)

🕓14:00 – 15:30

📍Norton Park Conference Centre, 57 Albion Rd, Edinburgh EH7 5QY🙋Sign up HERE🔗

Final session – 25 February (Sat)

Year of the Rabbit Celebration

Date: 4th February
Time: 1pm – 4 pm
Venue: Norton Park Conference Centre, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY

Year of Rabbit Celebration 癸卯兔年慶祝會 2023

Date: 4th February
Time: 1pm – 4 pm
Venue: Norton Park Conference Centre, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY
Admission : Free

Stalls, Raffle Draw,  Performances, Lion Dance, etc.

* Please prepare cash for buying school tokens for the stalls and raffle drawsWe look forward to seeing you !

地點:Norton Park Conference Centre,  57 Albion Road, Edinburgh,  EH7 5QY 



3rd session – 14 January (Sat)

Happy New Year! Edinburgh Chinese School wish you a new year filled with joy, exploration, discovery, and growth! Speaking of discovery and exploration, would you be interested to learn a NEW language in this NEW year ahead?

You are cordially invited to join our 3rd session of Cantonese Learning Activity for Edinburgh Locals, well-supported by Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact: Coorie in for Winter Fund on January 14th (Sat) to learn Cantonese and meet some Hongkongers, for FREE! Last month we chatted about Hong Kong cuisines and shared some interesting expressions in Cantonese around the topic. What about the coming session? We’re going to keep it a secret first! So join us and let us surprise you with some great fun!

Event Details:

📅14 January (Sat)

🕓14:00 – 15:30

📍Norton Park Conference Centre, 57 Albion Rd, Edinburgh EH7 5QY

🙋Sign up HERE🔗

Give Us A Hand